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Course curriculum

    1. AI-Enhanced Public Relations: An Introduction

    1. QUIZ: Assess Your PR Intuition

    2. Navigating the Shifts in Public Relations

    3. Getting Started with PRAI: A Quick Platform Guide

    4. AI in PR: Transforming Communication Strategies

    5. Presentation: AI in PR: Transforming Communication Strategies

    1. Getting Started with Modern PR Pitches

    2. Crafting Concise PR Pitches for Major Events

    3. Presentation: Crafting Concise PR Pitches for Major Events

    4. The Art of the Extended Pitch: Captivating Your Audience

    5. Presentation: The Art of the Extended Pitch: Captivating Your Audience

    6. Test Your Skills: The Art of Crafting Compelling PR Pitches

    7. From Article to Pitch: A How-to Guide for Repurposing Content

    8. Homework: Your Turn to Pitch - Upload Your PR Pitch

    1. AI Strategies for Effective Journalist Engagement

    2. Presentation: AI Strategies for Effective Journalist Engagement

    3. Optimizing PR Outreach: Crafting a Journalist Contact List Using PRAI

    4. Homework: Creating a Journalist List using PRAI

    1. Empowering Your PR Outreach through Pitch Distribution

    2. Presentation: Empowering Your PR Outreach through Pitch Distribution

    3. Mastering the Follow-up: Supercharge Your PR Pitches for Success

    4. Defying the Spam Folder: A Guide to Avoiding PR Pitch Rejection

    1. Exam: Part 1. Basic PRAI Course

    2. Exam: Part 2. Perfecting and Executing a PR Pitch Campaign using PRAI

    3. Outro

About this course

  • $49.50
  • 25 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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